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SPACE VIEW Corporation, a Space Tech Company, Launches Portal Site for Utilization of Satellite Data

(Japan office: Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo; hereafter, "SPACE VIEW"), a company engaged in CUBESAT development, satellite data analysis, and research and development using remote sensing technology, launched a portal site "spaceview insight" () on October 12, 2021, with the aim of promoting the utilization of satellite data. (Japan office: Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter "SPACE VIEW"), a research and development company that makes full use of satellite sensing technology, launched the portal site "spaceview insight" ( on October 12, 2021.

How the portal site was established

Since its establishment in November 2020, SPACE VIEW has aimed to enhance the sustainability and development of the space industry, and to utilize the data and knowledge it has acquired not only by specific companies and experts, but also to provide opportunities for new business development and collaboration. We have been aiming to make use of the data and knowledge acquired so far, not only by specific companies and experts, and to make them an opportunity for new business development and collaboration.

Looking at global trends, the size of the space business market is expanding year by year, from approximately 30 trillion yen in 2017 to 100 trillion yen by 2040. However, in order for our country to keep up with this pace and become a driving force in the space business, it is imperative that the advanced utilization cases be widely known and that the necessary data be made available in an easy-to-understand manner.

Rising demand at home and abroad

従来、国内における宇宙開発は、政府資金によって行われるものが大半でしたが、近年では宇宙利用産業やユーザ産業が参画したPFIによる衛星開発、中小企業やベンチャー企業による超小型で低コストの衛星開発等が進み、産業の裾野は拡大傾向にあります。内閣府としても「宇宙利用拡大のためには、こうした動きを一層推進し、宇宙利用産業やユーザ産業等による新たな宇宙利用の開拓によって、行政、産業、国民生活の高度化や効率化につなげることが必要」と位置付けており、SPACE VIEW社が今回手掛けるデータ整備やそこから生まれる協業も、その推進の一端を担えればと考えております。

Portal Site Overview

SPACE VIEW has decided to focus on "data stock," "search," and "consulting" functions in light of the fact that the quality and quantity of satellite data have long been limited to a few companies and researchers with specialized knowledge, although they are substantial. This will promote the utilization of data regardless of industry, business category, or field of use, as well as the development of new businesses.

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